A lot of people have been reaching out to us and asking the question: What can I do to help? We compiled a list of things that you can do to help make "A Childhood Fractured" reach its full potential!
1. Share our blog on your social media accounts
2. Follow our blog and share your feelings and thoughts in the comment section
3. Break the silence! Please share your stories with us! A testimonial page on our website is coming soon
4. Donate. Fundraising has begun to bring this project into reality. We plan to raise money through grants, sponsorship, and individual contributions. Please contact us if you would like contribute in any way or can refer this project to others
5. Provide connections to sponsors; companies, corporations and foundations that may be interested in helping fund this project. If you, or someone you know, could share this contact information, this would help us get a foot in the door
6. Volunteer as a grant writer. We have applied for our first grant but could use help with the next one
7. Share your knowledge regarding non-profit status
8. Share resources regarding publishing opportunities
9. Advise us of opportunities to share our stories with the press - interview possibilities, press contacts
10. Share your editing skills. We can always use another set of eyes
We are so grateful to all of you! Your support and kindness inspire us to move forward with this difficult project. Thank you all so much and...Godspeed!