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Childhood Fractured was originally based on a series of fourteen paintings. Each painting told a story of contemporary artist, Allen Vandever’s experiences with child sexual abuse, torture, and rape. These stories have since been adapted into a book by Author, Derek Hopkins. Together they have realized the need to evolve if there is to be a significant impact on the international epidemic of child sexual abuse. The original paintings have also been adapted into interactive performances. These performances include Allen Vandever painting original works while telling his story. After the conclusion of the piece, the audience is encouraged to interact, question, and have dialogues with Allen Vandever. Such performances on child sexual abuse and related subject matter are unprecedented.
$500 - small 36in by 36in (cost of materials)
$1000 - large 48in by 48in (cost of materials)
$1500 - 60in by 60in (cost of materials)
$2000 - small up to 36in by 36in (Client Keeps Painting)
$5000 - large up to 48in by 48in (Client Keeps Painting)
$7000 - 60in by 60in for live painting.
Patrons get to keep the painting (travel and lodging when applicable) pricing for larger painting or murals available upon request.
Allen Vandever and Derek Hopkins, co-founders of, Childhood Fractured, have made themselves available for public speaking. This includes sharing their harrowing stories of childhood sexual abuse in a public forum, their experience creating art centered on childhood sexual abuse, the male perspective of being a victim of childhood sexual abuse, and pioneering creative measures to end the sexual abuse of children.
$1500 - $5000 Public speaking
$1750 - $6000 Public speaking plus and live painting
Childhood Fractured’s original creative works are now ready for public dissemination. The paintings invoke tremendous degrees of catharsis while maintaining their original function of raising awareness and ending child sexual abuse. Upon request, the co-founders of Childhood Fractured will be made available to discuss, interact, and dialogue their experience of creating them along with childhood sexual abuse as a social issue.
$4200 - for hanging the show, preparing and securing venue, themed interaction (travel and lodging when applicable)
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